Robyn Macinnis, R.M.T.


Robyn graduated from Trios Kitchener's massage therapy program, and is a member in good standing with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO). She has always had an interest in the human body and understanding how all its unique components connect and work together. With that came a love for therapeutic massage and how it is beneficial for many common conditions we see everyday such as neck and back pain. She also has lots of work on clients post joint replacements, clients with TMJ, and chronic headaches.

In July Robyn had her first baby and throughout her pregnancy learned alot about prenatal massage and has learned many new pediatric/infant massage techniques. 

Outside of work Robyn likes to spend time with her family and two dogs. She cheers for the Buffalo Bills, Leafs, and Blue Jays when they are in season! Robyn's family is from Cape Breton, she visits frequently, if you're going on a trip feel free to ask about her favourite spots!

Looking forward to working with all of you!


Meet Marisa


Meet Matthew